Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Run Lola Run

        This movie is about a woman named Lola who has a boyfriend named Manni who has to do this test/deal and has to transfer this bag of cash to Ronnie. There was three different versions in this movie. One Lola dies. One Manni dies. And the final one is where lola gambles, manni chases a hobo and everything goes alright. No one dies.
         I did not enjoy this movie what so ever because of its storyline, its repetition, and plainly it was honestly just a very bad movie. This movie cannot be related to me. I just wonder what made them make this movie.
         Manni was in a bad situation because he lost his boss's 100,000 dollars. He has to give it to his boss Ronnie at 12 Pm which only left him 20 minutes to get it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chak de

        This movie was about this one guy named Khaiber who was at the world cup. When it was a free shot he missed by an inch. This made him get shunned by his people. So his life turned to hell as you can say.
      When i saw this i discovered that hockey was played in india which at first i didn't know. But now i do. At first i thought it was weird that that could even play hockey without an ice rink. I guess i was wrong.
       And like any other sport these girls show how determined they are to the sport by training very hard but during this film these girls did have their share of problems like what position they are which got in to arguments and in the bunk bed rooms they fought about who got which bed while they knew they had assigned beds which showed they were a little rebellious.
       I can't actually related this to me but i can related this to my dad but i will not because it''s not relevant and honestly not any of my business.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Host

    So This movie was about a man who has a daughter and some fish mutated thing who starts terrorizing korean people. During all the mayhem he drops his daughter(13 years old) and when he grabbed a hand it turns out to be a random person. So the mutated fish takes her away.
     So like every normal father he is devastated and assumes that his daughter died by being eatin by the monster. This shows that even though he is a very bad father by giving her daughter beer instead of a soda and accidentally grabbing another girls hand instead of her daughter's (which i guess can be forgiven because it was an accident) he trys his best.
      This movie in general is cannot be related to me nor can i connect to it what so ever i just found it very interesting because it had its very funny moments during this film.