Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Debt collector

       ( I couldn't find any information on this on google so I am only going to write about the movie. No pictures or anything.)

        This movie is placed in the Philippines. In the end two people get shot. A women you see through out the movie and a random guy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Otik

       So this movie is about a couple who couldn't have a baby so the father as a joke dug up a tree truck and shaped it like a baby. The wife becomes a stupid lunatic. She becomes so obsessed with the baby. After faking a pregnancy the tree truck actually comes to life and is a baby which makes the mother look even more stupid.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love and eggs

        So Is this movie dumb or what? I would agree if you say dumb. So basically this movie is about a neighborhood or something like that where authority's make them move out of their homes and move into like this place where they have a market. There is also three motherless children their names are Bimo, Asih, and Rindu. 
      To me this movie made no sense what so ever and I'm literally trying to research it just to get the concept of this movie. During this movie a father who trys to talk to his tells her he loves her with a microphone. It shoes religious issues, a praying rug and with young love with eggs.

Monday, April 11, 2011


        So Basically this movie is about a girl who lived in Iran during her childhood. During her childhood she was sort of rebellious and was getting into trouble once and a while. She also didn't understand communist and why her uncle got sent to jail. When the civil war in Iran started for her safety Persepolis's parents send her to australia where she met new people and got into what I think is a bad group.
        After a while in Australia She kept living in different places in which she called apartment hopping. To me I thought Persepolis was a ungrateful selfish brat and deserved everything that came at her. But when she finally learned her lesson and decided to leave I guess you could say that she turned a new leave.
       So overall everything was ok for her. Most of her family is save, she is alive, her uncle didn't die for nothing and she is now going to france to live there.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hoop Dreams

           So basically this film shows the issues os race, class, economic division, education and values. Arthur Agee, and William Gates were both chosen/Recruited to play for saint Joseph. They are both African American I assume they were lower class/low income due to the fact that they were in that type of neighborhood. They both are very good at basketball and were trying to go to college with a sport scholarship.
        When they were young their values were different. All they could think about was to go and play in the NBA. Now their values and moral values have changed dramatically. They are both fathers and college graduates. But since then they did not make it to the NBA. Instead Arthur has a job/organization where they go to young teens and tell them to make the right choices. William Gates became a pastor in his home town.
        Both these people lived in a bad inner-city/neighborhood since they have been growing up. Since the making of this movie there have been three people who have been shot and murdered just because they neighborhood sucks. I cannot imagine how they felt when their family members were shot. Arthur Agee was almost shot. He was held at gun point and was robbed of what ever he had on him which actually in realty a scary thought. 
        Education was the main problem through out the movie i guess because william gates kept struggling through out the movie because he needed an 18 on his S.A.T's and all his scores were below that. Arthur had a bad influence and experience as well because when saint Joseph kicked him out of the school because he couldn't afford to pay for his tuition his self esteem lowered.