Monday, April 11, 2011


        So Basically this movie is about a girl who lived in Iran during her childhood. During her childhood she was sort of rebellious and was getting into trouble once and a while. She also didn't understand communist and why her uncle got sent to jail. When the civil war in Iran started for her safety Persepolis's parents send her to australia where she met new people and got into what I think is a bad group.
        After a while in Australia She kept living in different places in which she called apartment hopping. To me I thought Persepolis was a ungrateful selfish brat and deserved everything that came at her. But when she finally learned her lesson and decided to leave I guess you could say that she turned a new leave.
       So overall everything was ok for her. Most of her family is save, she is alive, her uncle didn't die for nothing and she is now going to france to live there.

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