Thursday, May 26, 2011

new movies to review

- zatoichi
-the Italian
 -victor vargas
-the triplets of belleville

Billy Eliot

            So this movie is about a boy with a problem with his family and where he is from. Where he is from if you are a boy and you do ballet you are a puff (homosexual) and where in this case people don't like. He does boxing but sucked at it and tried ballet and enjoyed it very much. When he went to the gym he never went for boxing anymore he started going for ballet and started to dance very well i guess.
            When his dad found out he started skipping boxing for ballet he started to think he was a puff. After Billy told him off the dad wanted to beat him but billy got away and just ran and talked to his ballet teacher to give him private lessons so that his dad doesn't find out he is still taking ballet.
                His talent got him a chance to get into the school of ballet where they do this professionally. In which the moral of the story is if you are good at something and you enjoy it and you get the opportunity to go to a school who professionally train you, you should take the opportunity for it. So always go after your dream and fulfill it like billy did.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Crouching Tiger

                    So this movie is a fighting/cultural movie because one there is fighting within this movie. But it also shows their storys/folktales. It shows their strength, honor, and their beliefs of the stories of the warriors who are in this movie. There are a lot of problems with the princess in this movie because she is being forced to marry this one guy who she doesn't love and later on in the movie the princess turns out to be a "bad" guy or girl in this case.
         Also the princess has no freedom because she is being forced to stay in her home and be safe from any danger i guess.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Little miss sunshine

             So this movie was actually pretty funny. I think it was because it had funny family members. The grandfather gives very explicit advice to his grandson and he also does cocaine. The father is one of those motivational speaker who sucks at it. So when the daughter wins a contest or something and has a chance to be in a beauty pageant so her and her grandfather have been training for this for a while and was determined to win this until the grandfather died. 
             After that they were on the fritz of deciding what to do because the state they were in wouldn't allow them to take their grandfather with them so they decided to steal their grandfather/father body and go to the pageant and finish what they started to honor the grandfather. The brother of this girl wants to be in the air force and swore a year of silence to prove his point that he is disciplined but on the way to the pageant he found out that he was color blind and then got very upset because you can't go to the air force academy if you are color blind. The father is a motivational speaker who lost his job. The mother i actually don't know what she does.
            Over all this movie shows the "american" Culture on how old people were rude/Racist in the past and the background of this family in where they lived, how they acted and behaved and even the behavior of drug users like on how they can hide it from their family and how in general they act when not using drugs. This also shows stereotypical appearances of americans and how women/girls are looked upon by looks and how even during childhood they can be a little chubby.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The King's Speech

            The Concept of this movie is Bertie the son of King George all his life suffered from a stutter and people sort of made fun of him as a child. King George gets sick because he is dying i guess of old age. When George died, Bertie his son must take place as the king. During this time their country was at the brink of war and in need of a leader which has to be him. He has to give a speech which should unite and inspire all his people to one believe in themselves and in him. 
           So to help her husband Bertie with him and his stutter, Elizabeth brings him to a eccentric speech therapist named Lionel Logue to help inspire Bertie to believe in himself as a new king.
    This movie was sort of a comedy because one of his
practices when he was about to stutter he would start swearing which made this movie more enjoyable to the viewers and the cast themselves.

          Because of his stutter he had to try "different" methods that included swearing which in my opinion makes the movie so much funnier.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The last train home

          So this movie is about a family. The mother and father are away working hard to try to support their family. They parents have two children. One son and one daughter. The daughter is kind of mad at the parents because she hasn't for a while. She said a swear word and her father started to beat her. The son started to work on the fields with his grandmother. The grandfather is dead I'm assuming because of old age.
       In almost all cultures you respect your elders/parents no matter what. Even if it's not part of culture you should always respect them. It's Disrespectful when you defy or talk back to your parent/grandparent/anybody i guess who is your respected elder.
         So seeing her "talking back" to her parent causing her to get "abused/whopped" show that she is starting to grow up and show even without her parents she can somewhat fend for herself.
         Her parents where never there because they needed to work away from their family so their children had to basically grow up without their parents. So shes independent.