Monday, May 2, 2011

The last train home

          So this movie is about a family. The mother and father are away working hard to try to support their family. They parents have two children. One son and one daughter. The daughter is kind of mad at the parents because she hasn't for a while. She said a swear word and her father started to beat her. The son started to work on the fields with his grandmother. The grandfather is dead I'm assuming because of old age.
       In almost all cultures you respect your elders/parents no matter what. Even if it's not part of culture you should always respect them. It's Disrespectful when you defy or talk back to your parent/grandparent/anybody i guess who is your respected elder.
         So seeing her "talking back" to her parent causing her to get "abused/whopped" show that she is starting to grow up and show even without her parents she can somewhat fend for herself.
         Her parents where never there because they needed to work away from their family so their children had to basically grow up without their parents. So shes independent.

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