Friday, June 10, 2011

2nd Essay for final

                                                                                                                             Ismael Martinez
period: 4                    -
      Essay 2
              In the movie Persepolis Marjane's Grandmother told her, "To be true to yourself". The Protagonist/main character from Billy Elliot (Billy Elliot) was true to himself was well because people told him that if he were to dance that he would be a puff (homosexual/gay) and that he sucked at boxing. They were right about one thing...he did suck at boxing because it wasn't his thing thats all. He took and enjoyed ballet because he was good at it for his age and gender. No he wasn't a homosexual because he did enjoy playing with the daughter of the woman who trained him. His dad thought he was a homosexual just because he was taking ballet but Billy didn't listen to him and stayed true to himself because even though his dad didn't want him to do ballet Billy still did it because he loved and enjoyed it and it expressed him for who he was.
            He was still being true to himself because before he found out his best friend was a homosexual they were really good friends not judging each other and i guess helping each other out. After he found out that his best friend was a homosexual he told him that he wasn't and still accepted him as his best friend. He was being true to himself because he wasn't judging or being a bigot like his dad was when he thought his son was a homo sexual. Even when Billy and his best friend were caught dancing in the gym by Billy's dad he probably told himself to be himself and actually kept dancing and showed off to his father on how good he was at dancing ballet. After that the father realized that he was actually good and even tried and succeeded in getting Billy a trial to get him in the school of professional ballet school. Though at first his dad didn't want him dancing anymore but after Billy showed him his moves the dad finally realized that he was wrong and was proud of his son dancing and NOT being a homosexual and thought he deserved to go to that school and even sold his wife's jewelry which must of been hard for him since the death of his wife.
          So Basically Billy Elliot is a perfect example on what Marjane's grandmother statement was about being true to yourself. He showed the world who he was and what he enjoyed to do and didn't care what people thought of him.

1st Essay of final

                                                                                  Ismael Martinez

                                    Cultural Bridge
         The protagonist from the movie Chak De relates to me because we have our similarities and differences. For example when he gets the team of woman and all they do is just argue and fight. I’ve had a similar situation like that. He is also determined to achieve success and that’s sort of like me. Some difference though is that one he is older than me. He also agitated than me because of when his “girls” try to kick him out of the team by voting him off as captain.
         The similarities we have to do with our persona. For example he doesn’t give up when he gets a team who don’t get along and try to start fighting. I’ve had this similar situation because when I was in Mexico for my birthday I have a little sister too and a nephew. At first they didn’t get along because during the party my nephew got curious about hair I guess and pulled my sister’s hair real hard. I guess he got curious because my sister had long hair and he had short hair and it was his first time seeing my little sister. Also the couch was determined to win the championship and not lose the first round because earlier in the movie they had to play against the male team and they got their butts wooped but because they showed determination and skills and sportsmanship they let the girls compete.
         Me and the protagonist from this movie are also different. For example he is much older than me but I guess that doesn’t really matter in this situation. He also gets agitated very easily I guess because he wants to train these girls and make them become close like a family I guess but when he found out that all they can do argue and fight all the time he started to get very impatient and agitated because of this. Unlike me I’m a very calm person when it comes to situations like these. Yes I get very mad and agitated at times like when it comes to things like things that interests me like games.
                I don’t know if I could handle all the pressure that The protagonist in Chak De had but what I do know is that In many ways we are similar but also different as well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My life in pink.

       So basically there is this boy who is a Transgender boy. He wants to become a girl. So because of this he looks like a girl and he likes a boy. After that people started noticing and people started to shun him and hate him basically because in their culture their not as accepting as the united states. People don't like "bent" (Gay,lesbian, homosexuals) people in their culture.
    Also we learned that in belgium they speak french as well. Gay's are not welcome and people shunned their family for that. The mother was so accepting then just snapped and i guess hated her child now. The father used to recent him because of his behavior and now he is accepting which is kind of weird because usually fathers will hate their children or not love them anymore if they are gay.
   Usually in the united states gay people could like each other in peace. Yes they would be harassed like in the movie but it would be accepted by others. In belgium everyone no one liked him. Not even the guy who was gonna "marry" after when he was told he was going to hell.  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The triplets of belleville

             So this movie is about a family. A grandmother and and grandson and a dog. While cleaning the grandsons room and making his bed she hear something drop to the ground. When she picked it up and checked it she saw it was a scrap book about biking and the tour de france. After she saw that her grandson was interested in biking she got him his first tricycle and he spent a long time just riding it in circles.
        Just right after that scene you see that the chubby grandson grew up to be a tall skinny biker who was in training for the tour de france but in this part of the movie you don't see him being happy or show any emotions other than exhaustion. His dog just got fatter. 
When he is done training during the day he goes back home with his grandmother who is very much still alive, then he lays in bed while his grandmother massages his calfs, back with a wisk and some other object. 
         During the race he participated in (the tour de france) he got tired and gave up and then was kidnapped by the french mafia i guess to be used in a gambling activity. Then the grandmother must go and rescue her grandson from this evil/bad group.
          This movie shows what athletes/bikers/marathon participants must do and are determined to do to win or even just barely even finish the race. Many people think that this is easy but in reality it is very stressful or even life endangering if the athletes don't pace themselves. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

new movies to review

- zatoichi
-the Italian
 -victor vargas
-the triplets of belleville

Billy Eliot

            So this movie is about a boy with a problem with his family and where he is from. Where he is from if you are a boy and you do ballet you are a puff (homosexual) and where in this case people don't like. He does boxing but sucked at it and tried ballet and enjoyed it very much. When he went to the gym he never went for boxing anymore he started going for ballet and started to dance very well i guess.
            When his dad found out he started skipping boxing for ballet he started to think he was a puff. After Billy told him off the dad wanted to beat him but billy got away and just ran and talked to his ballet teacher to give him private lessons so that his dad doesn't find out he is still taking ballet.
                His talent got him a chance to get into the school of ballet where they do this professionally. In which the moral of the story is if you are good at something and you enjoy it and you get the opportunity to go to a school who professionally train you, you should take the opportunity for it. So always go after your dream and fulfill it like billy did.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Crouching Tiger

                    So this movie is a fighting/cultural movie because one there is fighting within this movie. But it also shows their storys/folktales. It shows their strength, honor, and their beliefs of the stories of the warriors who are in this movie. There are a lot of problems with the princess in this movie because she is being forced to marry this one guy who she doesn't love and later on in the movie the princess turns out to be a "bad" guy or girl in this case.
         Also the princess has no freedom because she is being forced to stay in her home and be safe from any danger i guess.