Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My life in pink.

       So basically there is this boy who is a Transgender boy. He wants to become a girl. So because of this he looks like a girl and he likes a boy. After that people started noticing and people started to shun him and hate him basically because in their culture their not as accepting as the united states. People don't like "bent" (Gay,lesbian, homosexuals) people in their culture.
    Also we learned that in belgium they speak french as well. Gay's are not welcome and people shunned their family for that. The mother was so accepting then just snapped and i guess hated her child now. The father used to recent him because of his behavior and now he is accepting which is kind of weird because usually fathers will hate their children or not love them anymore if they are gay.
   Usually in the united states gay people could like each other in peace. Yes they would be harassed like in the movie but it would be accepted by others. In belgium everyone no one liked him. Not even the guy who was gonna "marry" after when he was told he was going to hell.  

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