Thursday, June 2, 2011

The triplets of belleville

             So this movie is about a family. A grandmother and and grandson and a dog. While cleaning the grandsons room and making his bed she hear something drop to the ground. When she picked it up and checked it she saw it was a scrap book about biking and the tour de france. After she saw that her grandson was interested in biking she got him his first tricycle and he spent a long time just riding it in circles.
        Just right after that scene you see that the chubby grandson grew up to be a tall skinny biker who was in training for the tour de france but in this part of the movie you don't see him being happy or show any emotions other than exhaustion. His dog just got fatter. 
When he is done training during the day he goes back home with his grandmother who is very much still alive, then he lays in bed while his grandmother massages his calfs, back with a wisk and some other object. 
         During the race he participated in (the tour de france) he got tired and gave up and then was kidnapped by the french mafia i guess to be used in a gambling activity. Then the grandmother must go and rescue her grandson from this evil/bad group.
          This movie shows what athletes/bikers/marathon participants must do and are determined to do to win or even just barely even finish the race. Many people think that this is easy but in reality it is very stressful or even life endangering if the athletes don't pace themselves. 

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