Friday, February 25, 2011

The kite runner

This movie is about a boy who comes into american from Afghanistan and is her with his devoted best friend and he remote father. He returns to Afghanistan to help his friend who is in trouble.

            This movie was very good,very bogus,and very interesting.
It showed their history and what happened to their people. This shows betrayal and love in this movie. Hassan his best friend and his secret brother told Amir Jan (main character) that he would never betray him. He never did. Amir Jan did betray him. He betrayed him so bad. When he saw Hassan about to be anally raped he did not help him.
        This also showed love. Love for family,love towards marriage and love towards to old friends. Amir risked his life for his best friends son. It turns out that his best friend was his brother. So he wanted to rescue Sohrab his nephew. 
       The guy who beat the crap out of Amir was the person from his childhood that raped his friend Hassan. So to get the boy he had to give something because Assaf doesn't give nothing for free.So he beat the crap out of Hassan.
       I enjoyed this movie very much because it should fighting,success,and a twist during the movie.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Full of grace

So basically the storyline is, is that a women named maria is forced to smuggle in drugs by eating tablets filled with heroin. She is 17 and pregnant and in desperate need of money.

        I thought this movie was very good and very interesting because it shows struggles for money for her family and soon to come baby.  Her decisions could have hurt her baby so i thought she was kind of stupid for doing it because of the risk she could have killed herself and her baby if the heroin open inside of her stomach. 
        I enjoyed seeing that her baby was safe and not hurt from the heroin in her stomach. I thought her friend Blanca was a stupid idiot because she also wanted to be a mule and for yelling at Maria because she has no idea what to do as well. But keeping a secret from the only person she could rely on that her sister died was very very VERY bogus.
        I enjoyed the ending when Maria decided to stay because her baby would have many more opportunity's and a better lifestyle in america. When she got caught by the police in the airport they were so sure she had drugs in her. She got so lucky because of her pregnancy they didn't/couldn't do a X-ray to her.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Afghan star

        So basically this movie is Afghanistan's version of american idol. This movie has shown me how strict their religion because of the Taliban. In the 80's they didn't have as much restrictions as they do now. They used to be able to dance and show off their hair.
But not anymore. Now all they can do is sing and stand still. Women have to cover them selfs up so no one can see their hair.

        This movie also shows me that any type of religion can get along no matter what religion or government. As long as people have something in common and a common goal there is nothing people can do. Also when you sing you need supporters and loyal fans to go places.
        The ending wasn't much of a surprise because the whole movie was basically focused on the man with long hair because he was everywhere. All the scenes. Everyone talked about him. The biggest fans family mostly supported him. ENDING WAS NOT SURPRISING WHICH MADE ME NOT LIKE THE ENDING!!! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Please vote for me

So basically 3 students are chosen to campaign and convince their classmates to vote for them as class president in china. It seems interesting but the question is that is it a good movie? we shall see later.

        I have just seen this movie. I enjoyed this movie because of the comical view. It was very funny how the chubby kid has only his undies on. Also on how they acting during the movie trying to sabotage each other and how they were acting like little turds. Everything they did to each other dissing each other,telling each other faults,BRIBING the students to win there vote. It was a true democracy....
        I also enjoyed seeing their parents helping them because something parents are to busy to help their child but not in china. In china they really focus and pay attention to their children which is nice to see. Also seeing them focusing on politics (voting) trying a different way was cool to see. They are communist and seeing them try democracy was a sight to see i guess.
        Making each other cry for dumb reasons wasn't or shouldn't be a part of this because it doesn't relate to debate. Booing someone before they could make their speech makes them doushes.

Mongolian ping pong

    so at they reviewed this movie. So basically this boy named Bilike finds a ping pong ball floating down a river. He lives in isolation because of the fact he has no electricity or running water. He asks his grandmother what it is and lies to say it is a pearl from heaven. So one of his best friend's dad wins a tv and he goes over to their house. Thats when he finds out about the ping pong.

        What i liked about this movie is that the children could ride motorcycles at their age. I also enjoyed their sense of adventure because they wanted to go return the "national ball of china" which should a lot of enthusiasm  and determination which is not really shown within kids. What i really really disliked about this movie is the ending because all it showed the sound of ping pong players....that really irritated me i really dislike(hate) those types of endings.
        So basically these children are isolated from the world because they don't have any really sense of the world because they don't have electricity,tv,etc. So them not knowing about ping pong isn't really a big surprise and not much of a big deal. At first they thought it was a glowing treasure ball thing which at 1st I'm like are they really that stupid? But till i realized that they believed in spirits and what not. And their grandmother wasn't really all in the noggin if you know what I mean. If not then i'll tell you. IT MEANS SHE'S SORT OF OUT OF IT/CRAZY... 
        Basically I would rate this 6/10 because they deserved some credit for it for filming and trying. I myself did not enjoy the movie but I know some people who did so it should be included in this class because it showed their culture with their dances,language,and life style.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The weeping camel

This is basically the main plot of this movie. A mother camel/colt is having a very hard time giving birth to its new born. But after a while the brownish mother has givin birth to a new born WHITE colt. Then from there on when the colt try's to drink its mother's milk(nursing) the mother rejects it i guess because she doesn't want to nurse it. So then the family must do a ritual where they hope the mother will finally accept her offspring. If not then the colt will die. The sign that it is working(or worked) is that the mother weeps which is the main factor of the movies name i guess.

Citation: all credit for information goes to them.

        I cannot say much about this movie because I have yet to see it. I only have gotten to see the final 10 minutes about it. I used google to get some information about it to read on what i missed due to the fact that i was very sick. So basically when the camel gave birth to its offspring it rejected it since of its color.
    When i found this out I thought it was very bogus. This movie looks very interesting though because I would like to see how the mother reject it's offspring mostly cause it sounds funny theoretically. But when it really happens to you it is very messed up. So when i heard about the mother I got interested to watch this movie.
The Family has to do this ritual where a lady sings and a violin player starts playing it. The sign where that the camel finally accepts its child/offspring is when it begins to cry(weep) hence the name The weeping camel. After the mother finally accepted the child it starts to nurse it. And so there goes a happy ending.
The fact that i missed this movie does not bother me what so ever.