Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Full of grace

So basically the storyline is, is that a women named maria is forced to smuggle in drugs by eating tablets filled with heroin. She is 17 and pregnant and in desperate need of money.

        I thought this movie was very good and very interesting because it shows struggles for money for her family and soon to come baby.  Her decisions could have hurt her baby so i thought she was kind of stupid for doing it because of the risk she could have killed herself and her baby if the heroin open inside of her stomach. 
        I enjoyed seeing that her baby was safe and not hurt from the heroin in her stomach. I thought her friend Blanca was a stupid idiot because she also wanted to be a mule and for yelling at Maria because she has no idea what to do as well. But keeping a secret from the only person she could rely on that her sister died was very very VERY bogus.
        I enjoyed the ending when Maria decided to stay because her baby would have many more opportunity's and a better lifestyle in america. When she got caught by the police in the airport they were so sure she had drugs in her. She got so lucky because of her pregnancy they didn't/couldn't do a X-ray to her.

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