Thursday, February 3, 2011

The weeping camel

This is basically the main plot of this movie. A mother camel/colt is having a very hard time giving birth to its new born. But after a while the brownish mother has givin birth to a new born WHITE colt. Then from there on when the colt try's to drink its mother's milk(nursing) the mother rejects it i guess because she doesn't want to nurse it. So then the family must do a ritual where they hope the mother will finally accept her offspring. If not then the colt will die. The sign that it is working(or worked) is that the mother weeps which is the main factor of the movies name i guess.

Citation: all credit for information goes to them.

        I cannot say much about this movie because I have yet to see it. I only have gotten to see the final 10 minutes about it. I used google to get some information about it to read on what i missed due to the fact that i was very sick. So basically when the camel gave birth to its offspring it rejected it since of its color.
    When i found this out I thought it was very bogus. This movie looks very interesting though because I would like to see how the mother reject it's offspring mostly cause it sounds funny theoretically. But when it really happens to you it is very messed up. So when i heard about the mother I got interested to watch this movie.
The Family has to do this ritual where a lady sings and a violin player starts playing it. The sign where that the camel finally accepts its child/offspring is when it begins to cry(weep) hence the name The weeping camel. After the mother finally accepted the child it starts to nurse it. And so there goes a happy ending.
The fact that i missed this movie does not bother me what so ever. 

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