Monday, February 14, 2011

Please vote for me

So basically 3 students are chosen to campaign and convince their classmates to vote for them as class president in china. It seems interesting but the question is that is it a good movie? we shall see later.

        I have just seen this movie. I enjoyed this movie because of the comical view. It was very funny how the chubby kid has only his undies on. Also on how they acting during the movie trying to sabotage each other and how they were acting like little turds. Everything they did to each other dissing each other,telling each other faults,BRIBING the students to win there vote. It was a true democracy....
        I also enjoyed seeing their parents helping them because something parents are to busy to help their child but not in china. In china they really focus and pay attention to their children which is nice to see. Also seeing them focusing on politics (voting) trying a different way was cool to see. They are communist and seeing them try democracy was a sight to see i guess.
        Making each other cry for dumb reasons wasn't or shouldn't be a part of this because it doesn't relate to debate. Booing someone before they could make their speech makes them doushes.

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