Friday, February 18, 2011

Afghan star

        So basically this movie is Afghanistan's version of american idol. This movie has shown me how strict their religion because of the Taliban. In the 80's they didn't have as much restrictions as they do now. They used to be able to dance and show off their hair.
But not anymore. Now all they can do is sing and stand still. Women have to cover them selfs up so no one can see their hair.

        This movie also shows me that any type of religion can get along no matter what religion or government. As long as people have something in common and a common goal there is nothing people can do. Also when you sing you need supporters and loyal fans to go places.
        The ending wasn't much of a surprise because the whole movie was basically focused on the man with long hair because he was everywhere. All the scenes. Everyone talked about him. The biggest fans family mostly supported him. ENDING WAS NOT SURPRISING WHICH MADE ME NOT LIKE THE ENDING!!! 

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