Monday, February 14, 2011

Mongolian ping pong

    so at they reviewed this movie. So basically this boy named Bilike finds a ping pong ball floating down a river. He lives in isolation because of the fact he has no electricity or running water. He asks his grandmother what it is and lies to say it is a pearl from heaven. So one of his best friend's dad wins a tv and he goes over to their house. Thats when he finds out about the ping pong.

        What i liked about this movie is that the children could ride motorcycles at their age. I also enjoyed their sense of adventure because they wanted to go return the "national ball of china" which should a lot of enthusiasm  and determination which is not really shown within kids. What i really really disliked about this movie is the ending because all it showed the sound of ping pong players....that really irritated me i really dislike(hate) those types of endings.
        So basically these children are isolated from the world because they don't have any really sense of the world because they don't have electricity,tv,etc. So them not knowing about ping pong isn't really a big surprise and not much of a big deal. At first they thought it was a glowing treasure ball thing which at 1st I'm like are they really that stupid? But till i realized that they believed in spirits and what not. And their grandmother wasn't really all in the noggin if you know what I mean. If not then i'll tell you. IT MEANS SHE'S SORT OF OUT OF IT/CRAZY... 
        Basically I would rate this 6/10 because they deserved some credit for it for filming and trying. I myself did not enjoy the movie but I know some people who did so it should be included in this class because it showed their culture with their dances,language,and life style.

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